A break

You may not have heard from me for some time, well the truth is, I needed a break.
Designing an RPG from scratch is not an easy task, and when you work on such a project for too long you will eventually get bored and get less and less motivated to work on it. The project will only suffer dearly if you continue then.

BUT, don't think this is a cancellation yet. I've gone through this stage when I developed The Fairy Tale, The Secrets Of Dyrt and Star Story and look at the result. The break actually allowed me to give my all again so I could really keep on developing those games, and I am feeling like I should continue this soon. In the meantime I decided to put my focus on a smaller project named  "House of Cards" in which I will cover several card solitaire games. Two games (King's Corners and Pyramid) are already covered, although one needs some finishing touches. 

My planning is to when House of Cards is finished to resume Luna's Father. 

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